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Are Outdoor TVs Weatherproof? This and Other Outdoor TV Questions Answered!


Looking for an excuse to go out? Maybe you just need an outdoor TV. 

As the weather gets nicer this year -- and the pandemic shows no signs of slowing down -- more and more families are starting to look to their yard and outdoor spaces as avenues for possible home upgrades. And there’s no better upgrade to a home than setting up a lovely and enjoyable outdoor theater with a modern outdoor TV. 

Some people, however, have a resistance to outdoor TVs, thinking that they are overpriced shadows of what is possible with an indoor TV. That couldn’t be further from the truth: Today’s outdoor TVs are bright, 4K-resolution-capable devices that can bring your favorite entertainment outdoors! So, to really help our customers know what outdoor TVs are capable of, this week on the blog, we’re going to debunk some common misconceptions and answer some common questions that come up about them. 

Are Outdoor TVs Weatherproof?

You bet!

One of the most important things we tell people about TVs is that they should never use an indoor TV in an outdoor application. While indoor TVs are great, they just aren’t made to deal with the elements the way an outdoor TV is. Installing and using an indoor TV outside will not only most assuredly shorten the life of that TV but also pose a safety hazard as well. 

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Checklist: Is Your Backyard Tech Ready for Summer?


Summertime backyard barbecues are a blast, but tech-powered backyard entertainment centers are even more exciting. 

There’s no better way to celebrate the summer than by dedicating some time to revamping your outdoor area. Custom integration isn’t bound by the four walls of your home, and there are a lot of options to bring your favorite tech into the wilderness of your backyard.

Keep reading to make sure you’ve checked off each item in this list so your summertime backyard entertaining is as convenient and satisfying as it should be. 

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